Exhibitions 2024

The Pine Tree Worth Millions – Landscape paintings by Pekka Halonen and Contemporaries

3rd of May – 15th of  September 2024

From the 1890s onwards, Pekka Halonen's landscape-themed artworks featured national romantic panoramas, winter landscapes and symbolism. In the 1920s, the colorful works of the Color Period of Finnish art (ca. 1908–16) gave way to a harmonious and serene depiction in his art. Halonen's favorite subject was often a snowy pine tree on a rock or in the middle of a forest. Children of Halonen family called one of the pine tree growing on the cliff of Halosenniemi the Million Pine Tree, because it was believed that the artist earned that much money with his pine-themed paintings. In addition to Pekka Halonen, works are exhibited by e.g. From Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Eero Järnefelt, Väinö Blomstedt and Helmi Biese.

Highs and Lows of Life in an Artist’s Home

24th of September 2024 – 26th January 2025